As prominent figures in the music scene from the 1960s and onward, groupies played a defining role in creation of many rock music pieces, all while impacting the perception...
Her Campus at Toronto MU
Femininity In Rock Music: The Rise & Fall Of The Groupie
Her Campus at Casper Libero
Is rock music really dead? Here are 10 bands that are still rocking!
Rock music represents not only a mix of blues rhythm, jazz instrumentals, and experimental sounds but also a lifestyle and attitude.
Her Campus at MUJ
Mr. Brownstone, He Won’t Leave Me Alone
The drug culture of the rock scene left a lasting imprint on popular culture. It became synonymous with the rebellious, countercultural ethos of rock music, influencing fashion, language, and...
Her Campus at U Mass Amherst
Daisy Jones & The Six: Taylor Jenkins Reid’s Ode to the ’70s
Sex, drugs, and music — what more could you ask for in your newest Taylor Jenkins Reid novel? Written in a rather unconventional format, Reid navigates the life of...
Her Campus at UCF
Women of Daisy Jones and the Six: How Camila Dunne and Daisy Jones Raised the Bar
With the release of the show Daisy Jones & the Six in March 2023, fans of the book found themselves experiencing a new perspective on the novel's events that...