It's hard to get active during the school year, here are some ways I keep myself motivated and tips to help get over the gym intimidation .
Why driving should become an alternative mode of transportation.
It's important to make sure you're being active and moving your body, but it doesn't have to be a complete chore. This article gives ideas on ways to stay...
Some little things I've been doing to get ahead of the cold weather slump that's coming!
Jump into the semester with easy exercise on campus!
Five upcoming events on SFSU campus to help you get into the Halloween Spirit
This summer, I picked up pickleball, and it has quickly become one of my favorite activities. It’s one of the fastest-growing sports out there right now, and I can...
The Olympics left the entire world eager to go out and practice all the sports we were watching on TV
Try out a work out class and build more movement and mindfulness into your schedule.