After deleting social media, I noticed an improvement in my mental health and focus ability.
Having a neurodivergence like ADHD or Autism (or both, like me!) can feel isolating and overwhelming, and the move to university can make it feel like they’ve been heightened by one...
As October ends, I thought it would be beneficial to talk about Learning Disabilities Awareness Month! This is a time to highlight 1 in 5 people who think and...
The truth is, ‘attention’ is not as simple as it may seem. It is something that varies with each person, and each task.
Join the conversation on the hidden struggles of women with ADHD when societal expectations lead to masked symptoms. Learn how to support those quietly struggling and embrace their unique...
When I was in high school, I didn't care much about the stuff I kept in my bag. I mostly threw everything my teachers gave me in random folders...
Struggling with ADHD? Let's talk about some of my practical strategies for success.
Whether I’m sitting in class, on the couch watching TV, or seated in a restaurant eating dinner, my leg will be bouncing. People often ask if I’m alright when...