Going to college further away from home means one thing: I am booking flights constantly. Southwest, United, Delta, Frontier (*shudder*), Spirit, I’ve done it all. Flight delays, red-eyes, even...
As someone who lives in California and attends college in Connecticut, I do a lot of airline travel during peak holiday times. There's no doubt that travel can be...
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.Now that spring break is officially over, I’ve had my fair share of airplane rides...
Traveling together can be as fun as you make it. With a few essential travel tips in mind, planning a weekend getaway with the girls will be swift and...
I live in Alaska, and even before my school told us that we would need to leave campus mid-week for Thanksgiving instead of being able to...
What is flying like during a global pandemic? Read more to find out!
Traveling in style comes at a price.