Every Monday night, music competition shows The Voice and American Idol compete for our attention. Idol has aired on ABC since 2002, while...
Every season of American Idol brings with it a new set of talented competitors. As this year’s pool narrows, we predict who’ll make the coveted Top 10 performers.
A look at many of the show's brightest stars who didn't walk away with the championship title.
TikTok: the newest platform for up-and-coming artists to gain fame.
A talent you won't want to miss....
From the dreamy acoustic melodies of country princess Kacey Musgraves, to the twinkling electric sounds of pop sensation Ariana Grande, you...
In 2016, Fox Network’s “American Idol” came to an end after 15 seasons. When the show ended, there were rumors circulating about bringing...
Hi, my name is Sydni, and I am obsessed with Reality TV. There, I said it and I am not ashamed! Let’s backtrack to the beginning of this so...
There’s no better feeling than finding out that your favourite new TV show has been renewed for another season. Too often, a television...
I have been watching American Idol for as long as I can remember, way back to the days of season one. Attending the American Idols Live...