Angelina Jolie back on late night talk shows.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith might be the new show you never knew you needed.
It’s no such thing as a secret that the famous Hollywood actress, Winona Ryder, is considered the queen of Halloween.
Get to see the most iconic looks of the memorable Lara Croft
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.With fall and winter break coming up, I need to have my Netflix watch...
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kennesaw chapter.During Taliban rule of Afghanistan, from 1996-2001, women were not allowed to leave the house...
What does Maleficent really say about America’s current state?
*tries to find a doppelgänger of Harry Styles I can date*
"Sexual violence is everywhere—in the industry where I work, in business, in universities, in politics, in the military and across the world."