While it can sometimes feel isolating, not desiring any romantic validation has ultimately become the most liberating feeling.
More and more Queer representation has been appearing on screen in recent years, but asexuality and aromanticism remain underrepresented. I can still count the amount of asexual and/or aromantic...
A brief account of the origins and presence of asexuality throughout the course of history.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.Demisexuality is a part of the asexual spectrum, defined as a person who cannot experience...
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SLU chapter.My first real boyfriend and I broke up in 2019, yet I still find myself...
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.Sexuality is a fundamental aspect of identity: it’s what defines how we perceive, feel, and...
It's pride month! And the A in LGBTQIA does not stand for allies, but for asexuals. Let's discuss how they are represented in media.
Asexuality stands for the A in LGBTQIA, and it’s estimated that at least 1% of the population is asexual, so it’s really not as uncommon as you may think....
In celebration of another International Asexuality Day, here's a quick crash course on the invisible orientation.
Having a youtuber who reaches eleven million people on average and with the kind of following Jayden has not just say she shares our orientation but explain it means...