Comemorando o Dia Nacional da Luta da Pessoa Com DeficiĂŞncia, confira filmes que tratam sobre o assunto com responsabilidade.
Not all representations are good representations, and here are a few examples!
As we approach one year since quarantine started, a lot of us are feeling completely drained. One of the few positives these past months...
There’s a TV show out there for everyone.
Atypical season 3 was released on Netflix this past Fall and it is everything… and more. While I won’t give you too many spoilers, the...
Since the beginning of high school, the term “winter break” (in my vocabulary) has been synonymous with “a seriously long Netflix binge.”...
Tired of the same shows? Sick of The Office and Friends? Check out this list of uncommon Netflix shows!
Need a binge-worthy, feel-good show for winter break? I’ve got you covered!
You asked for more, so here it is. Category is... Intersectionality!
Thank goodness for Thanksgiving break! We’ve all been working so hard and I know I am excited for this much needed break. While breaks are...