Whatever you do, or wherever you go, I hope it's fulfilling.
Seven novels that encapsulate the female experience.
This novel was so worth the wait!
Erika Sanchez: I'm Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter
Everyone's experience of writing and publishing is different, and if you're looking to publish your work - whether that's a novel, short story, or poetry - I wish you...
âWait for it. Work for it.â I was truly left stunned, inspired and in awe.
2014 was the peak era for dystopian novellas. Books like âDivergentâ and âThe Maze Runnerâ were all the rage, and the Hunger Games Trilogy was capturing the attention of...
Get to know more about the bookish content creators who are redefining literary culture online
Adam and Eve. A well-known biblical story of a woman who disobeyed orders thus punishing women for eternity. Lilith. Adamâs more disobedient first wife was banished from Eden, becoming...
Read Sabrina Blandon's interview with contemporary romance writer Morgan Matson about her new book and Blandon's reflections on reading her work years ago.