A mother's message brings the experience of Puja in Kolkata to her distant daughter- memories of pandal hopping, stolen sweets, and family traditions bridge the miles between them. Although...
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.Being away from your mom or a mother figure on the one day...
Being away from home especially during a pandemic can make anyone feel a little homesick. But don’t worry, many college students of...
Missing home is a really normal feeling, especially when you move away from home for the first time. Homesickness is really common for all students in college and everyone...
Being away from home can be a scary time in our lives and we can start to feel homesick. Here are 5 tips to help not only dwindle homesickness,...
The holidays can be an intense time for many reasons, but for out-of-state college students on their first semester away from home, they...
Going away to college that is far from your hometown seems like one of the best decisions anyone could ever make. There’s no surprise...
"Work hard, and love hard for the right people. Be grateful for the lifetimes."
It’s every golden hawk’s favourite time of year again: homecoming! This is the one time of year we all come together and celebrate our...
Being away from home is hard, check out these tips to make it easier!