Every girl in the world has been called a bitch at one time or another. A bitch for being difficult. A bitch for being crazy. A bitch for...
Her Campus at KU
Being A Bad Bitch Isn’t A Bad Thing
Her Campus at McGill
The Once Wrong Made Redeemable: The Children’s Movie Villain and The Bad Bitch
Back in my day, which seems like an eternity ago, bad guys on TV were bad. In the cinema of my younger self’s mind, the roles of hero and...
Her Campus at Harvard
Your Next Bad B*tch Playlist
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Harvard chapter.
Her Campus at Washington
How to Cake Your Face like a Bad B*tch!
As we approach Destroy Dick December, it is essential that us ladies get our morning routines in order! I guarantee that once you try this...
Her Campus at TAMU
Job Search Tools You May Need
Here are some useful tools to use as you begin the search for a job after graduation or a summer internship that we have used to secure our...
If You Hustle You Are a “Bad B*tch”
Being a “bad b*tch” is strongly correlated with women having perfect bodies. You see it on social media every day. Women with flat tummies...