"How I Met Your Mother" may be off Netflix, but that doesn't mean it's not an amazing show. Created in 2005, the series follows Ted Mosby's...
Her Campus at Clark
Proof That Marshall And Lily Are #CoupleGoals On “How I Met Your Mother”
10 Life Lessons from ‘How I Met Your Mother’
It may be off Netflix, but the life lessons are still in our hearts.
Reymond Tan ’16
Name: Reymond Tan Age: 22 Year: Senior Major: Mechanical Engineering Relationship Status: Single Describe yourself in three words? Funny...
7 Things How I Met Your Mother Has Taught Us
As How I Met Your Mother wrapped up its final season last Monday, I feel as though I can speak for most when I say it was pretty...
How I Met Your Mother Season Finale: the good and the bad (warning: contains spoilers)
Disclaimers: RIDDLED WITH SPOILERS - if you haven’t watched the finale, then don’t read this piece. If you don’t care, by all means,...
10 Things We’ll Miss about HIMYM
All good things must come to an end. This includes the television shows we grew up with and learned to love, like Full House and Boy Meets...