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Articles Tagged With: BC DIY
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The Ultimate DIY for Your Dorm

DIY. It is the essence of college living. Whether it’s making a customized quote painting to hang in your common room or making a tissue...

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The Best Body Scrub of Your Life

Companies like Frank Body, Babescrub and more have created a frenzy in the skincare world. They're all over Instagram feeds and women's...

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Her Campus at BC DIY Beauty Products

Do-it-yourself beauty products are a great way to beautify your outsides, without using harsh chemicals, or spending a lot of money. Not to...

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DIY Halloween Decorations

For many of us, BC is a “home away from home.” However, when I think about my house back in my hometown, it is completely decorated with...

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The Perfect DIY Lip Scrub

Last week, when temperatures reached as low as 4°F on campus, the chilly air and brutal winds were especially unkind to our lips. During...