Dear Dog Walkers of Boston College, I know this is moving a little fast but... I love you. And I don’t even really know you, but I love you...
Bullet Journaling has been a big trend for a while now. With its combination of a journal, planner, and to-do list, it is no wonder this...
The first thing we do when we wake up is check social media. But how many of us can say we’ve started using social media to determine how...
When I was in high school, I was always stressed out. I took the hardest AP and honors classes, stayed up way too late finishing my...
How many of you have ever had a bad day? Probably all of us. And on those days, don’t you want just one thing to smile about that gives...
Recently I watched a video on Amy Poehler’s Youtube Channel, Smart Girls, called Ask Amy . In Episode 20, “I Love You Boston,” she spoke...
So unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few weeks, you’ve probably read the new Boston College Confessions page once or...
Sometimes life sucks. It’s just one of those inconvenient truths that we have to accept and move past in order to retain any amount of...
The most romantic day of the year, or the single girl’s biggest struggle? Worth celebrating, or just a make-believe holiday? Valentine’s...
We’ve all had less than good days. Between papers, midterms, work, and trying to have a decent social life it’s easy to get stressed out...