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Articles Tagged With: BC People
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Meet Luis!

Meet Luis Cardenas! I just became friends with Luis this year, and I wish I had met him sooner. He is one of the kindest souls at BC and...

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5 Problems of Being a Loud Person

Not only do I lack a filter in 95% of my daily life, but I also have no concept of an “inside voice.” The thought of being quiet or...

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5 People You Will Meet in Chem Lab

As a third year chemistry major, I’ve spent my fair share of time in the undergraduate teaching labs in Merkert. Thus far, I’ve shared this...

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Meet the Yellow Men! Need We Say More??

Q: What are your names? A: “Tornado” and “The Experience” Q: What’s the best part of being The Yellow Men? A: The best part of being The...

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Meet Cutie Dhimitris Lefteri!

Meet Dhimitris Lefteri! There is never a dull second when you’re hanging out with Dhimi (a nickname his friends have taken to calling him...

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Celebrity Look-Alikes at Boston College

Barring the fact that everyone starts to look the same to me when I’m really tired, I’m usually pretty awesome at calling people out on...

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The 5 People You Meet on a Bolt Bus

I’ve taken the Bolt Bus home from Boston to Newark and New York (and back to Boston again) countless times, and over the years I’ve had...