"The series completely immerses you in their world, each character becoming as real to you as those you know in real life. Ferrante depicts the most remarkable portrayals of...
How three women’s avenge plots on their ex-boyfriends nearly cost them their lives.
Herb does not owe Bojack forgiveness, and Bojack needs to learn that he is not entitled to forgiveness if he apologizes. No one is. If "The Telescope" shows us...
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.Dear Women, Sometimes the world wants to hold us down, but do not let it....
Sometimes, us girls can be our own worst enemies.
In this society something that is insanely normalized is cheating. In television, movies, online and practically everywhere cheating is...
Sometimes your heart needs more time to accept what your head already knows.
Who knows what’s really going on under the sheets. Cheating is no picnic for those involved but it does happen - and quite often. There are...
What would one define as betrayal in marriage? Marriage is between a man and a woman. It is a sacred bond that should not be broken;...