Over the past year, I have developed acne like never before. It has been a struggle to understand and remedy. And, if there’s any chance I can save a...
Her Campus at TCU
3 Tips for Clearing Acne
Her Campus at UWG
My Experience On Birth Control, And How I’m Navigating Towards Better Health
Something I never thought that I had to start using.
Her Campus at Ball State
My Journey with Birth Control
Find the power in taking control of your health.
Her Campus at Texas
Everyone talks about the exciting aspects of being sexually active, but what about the not so fun parts? Navigating the world of birth control can be a daunting and...
Her Campus at KCL
Why Everyone Should Care About Contraception
Why I believe that men and women should discuss birth control openly and take equal responsibility in preventing unwanted pregnancies.
Her Campus at CU Boulder
Insights Into The Kyleena IUD
Thinking about getting an IUD in your future? Here has been my experience so far with one, as well as some other birth control options you can look into!
Her Campus at VCU
Finding the Birth Control That Is Right for You
Starting birth control is a big decision and nothing to be ashamed of.