Three lessons I would have told my younger self about turning twenty
Her Campus at CU Boulder
Turning 20: Addressing My Own Misconceptions
Her Campus at Pitt
Birthday Freebies in Pittsburgh
It’s always fun to treat yourself on your birthday. It’s even better when that treat is free! Check out some of these locations within Pittsburgh that offer freebies on...
Her Campus at CU Boulder
Saying Goodbye to Teenhood: Learning to Be Okay With Growing Up
As I leave my teenage years, I am slowly learning how to accept aging.
Her Campus at Waterloo
20 Lessons I’ve Learned in 20 Years
20 years is a long time, and even though I still feel like I’m figuring out how to function, I wanted to share some of the highlights.
Her Campus at SBU
Birthday Freebies to Take Advantage of in 2023
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.The only thing I love more than my birthday is the amount of free stuff...
Her Campus at Illinois State
Leaving Behind My Teenage Years
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.When I was nine years old, I couldn’t wait to turn ten and have...