On October 17, 2018, cannabis-infused edible products, more commonly known as “edibles,” became legal to purchase in Canada. If smoking...
"If you’re like me, Thanksgiving is a time for the classics—stuffing, mashed potatoes, and turkey—but it's also fun to add a little variation to these holiday classics."
Your morning cup of joe just got weirder.
Do you struggle with eating healthy some days? I know I do. For this week I am sharing one of my favorite healthy snacks - roasted broccoli...
If you're a senior in the Class of 2017 Facebook group, you know what's going down. If you don't: Broccoli is currently the winning theme...
For when you get bored of the dining hall and don't have the money to just order out.
The month of February is home to Valentine’s Day, midterm week and, most importantly, The Grammys. There are so many wonderful artists that...
As many encounters start off these days, I was first introduced to Maria via social media. We ended up following each other on Twitter...
You are what you eat – and as a university student, you want to be Brain rather than Pinky, right? You have a long year of hard studying (...