Due to the nature of my program, self-care and avoiding burnout are essential topics for students to understand and engage in for their own well-being. It may seem like...
Her Campus at Jefferson
The Importance of Slow Living and Taking Time for Yourself
Her Campus at U Mass Boston
"not only did I go to all my classes, but I ate a snack too. And I went the extra mile when I stayed later to study, and that...
Her Campus at TAMU
The Anxiety of Doing Nothing
Why not truly embody dolce far niente and give it the same importance we give our professional lives?
Her Campus at Holy Cross
Find Your Calm With These Mindfulness Practices
As the semester picks up with finals, summer job searches, and spring cleaning, it's easy to get caught up. Meredith McDonough shares her go-to's for mindfulness and calming down.
Her Campus at KCL
‘Perfect Days’ The Art Of Slow Living
This article focusses on the idea of slow living, inspired by the film 'Perfect Days'.
Her Campus at BU
The Power Of Journaling
How journaling helped me heal and handle all of life’s ups and downs.
Who Needs Sex Positions When You Have Lemme X Calm’s Calma Sutra?
Kourtney can lull me to sleep any day.
Her Campus x Amazon
7 Surprising Ways To Use Your Prime Student Membership Over Holiday Break
Prime Student really is the gift that keeps on giving.