On Saturday, 7th November, Her Campus St Andrews hosted a panel in conjunction with several other professional and student-based...
Trigger warning: Rape and sexual assault As April is nearing to an end, so is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, but that by no means implies...
It seems that the University of Colorado Boulder has a serious problem with sexual assault, and this is not a new issue. This problem has been pervasive on campus...
The lawsuit is the latest in a series of sexual assault claims surrounding MSU's athletic department.
Warning: The following article may contain content that is disturbing to some readers. This article was written for the sole purpose of...
Many colleges have tried to find ways to handle cases of rape and sexual violence on their respective campuses to make campus life safer...
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ithaca chapter.Brock Tuner was released this past Friday after serving half of his six-month sentence (which...
They didn't mince their words.