Five years ago, I was diagnosed with Coeliac Disease, defined by the NHS as ‘a condition where your immune system attacks your own tissues when you eat gluten’. You...
Her Campus at Leeds
Me and My Coeliac Disease
How to Fight the Bloat in One Day
You know how sometimes, when you wake up in the morning, your stomach just looks better? It’s flatter than usual, and you wish it could...
Is Butter a Carb? Basic Nutrition Facts You Should Know
Being a senior in the dietetics program, I have a lot of opinions about food, diets and anything related to the two. However, in this...
Her Campus at UFL
Fitness with Finesse: Why Low-Carb Diets Don’t Work, as told by Regina George
Many people think eating carbohydrates is the sole reason for weight gain, and therefore, they decide to abide by a low-carb diet or cut...
Health Tips: Complex Carbs vs. Simple Carbs
Watching what you eat with no knowledge of nutritional information can be just as dangerous as cutting things out of your diet without...