I was first catcalled at 12 as I was walking back from the beach. My friends and I were together, and a drunk man yelled out of a car...
Her Campus at Gettysburg
Why Ruth George’s Murder is SO Terrifying
Her Campus at KU
Cat Calls
credit Catcalls Since I was about 13 I’ve known that they are a thing. I’ve been with my friends and had comments yelled at me from cars,...
Her Campus at Ithaca
Why Catcalling NEEDS to Get Called Out
In honor of Sexual Assault Awareness month, I interviewed the founder of Catcalls of NYC and the creator of Catcalls of Ithaca , comparing...
7 Places You’re Guaranteed to get Catcalled
Catcalls: they’re uncomfortable, creepy, and way out of hand. What should we do to keep ourselves safe? Start by avoiding these harassment...
Catcalls Are Not Compliments
One of the most popular viral videos circulating on the Internet over the past few weeks shows a young woman, Shoshana Roberts, walking the...