From Schmidt's comments that land him putting his extra cash into the “Douchebag Jar,” to Nick’s undiagnosed depression, the characters on New Girl provide their audience with the perfect...
Sometimes you need something easy to watch and you just can't bring yourself to watch The Office for the five millionth time. New Girl is a...
Find out how your star sign lines up with the characters in one of the funniest shows ever!
**WARNING: This article contains spoilers!** New Girl is an amazing show for many reasons - not only is it hilarious, but it also does an...
New Girl is coming back!!! On Tuesday, April 10th, the final season of New Girl will air and we will be reunited with our favorite loft...
It's finally here. It's SPRANG BREAK! We all know there are endless opportunities for bomb spring break destinations or staycations if that...
It’s official! New Girl is returning for its seventh and final season! Yes, Schmidt. It is true, my friend. The show is set to begin airing...
It’s Midterm Season: That dreaded time of year where we’re flooded with exams, projects and constant studying.
New Girl on Fox has had some hilarious and inspiring moments, but here are just a few of our favorites. When we realized we weren’t the...