I hate chairs. I'm sorry, but from my perspective, the traditional seating options are uncomfortable and mild torture. Chairs shove the complex human body into a stiff, uncomfortable, 90...
Her Campus at Bradley U
7 Tips to Incorporate Alternative Seating into your Life
Her Campus at Carleton
Carleton Swingy Chair Discourse
Time to put the tumultuous rumours to rest: are these chairs good? Or bad?
Her Campus at Utah
How to Identify and Confront Gender Bias in the Classroom
You’re here for your degree, not discrimination.
Her Campus at CMU
Inflatable Chairs: Taking Seating to the Next Level
This week my mom sent me a care package, and included with the hangers I desperately needed was something interesting: an inflatable chair...
Midterm Encouragements
Midterms are a little more bearable when you've got local coffee shops and beautiful ally ways.
Enjoying the Little Things in Life
Someone once told me to stop worrying about the future and start living in the present. As students, I think we forget to enjoy the moments...
The 5 Best Dorm-Room Chairs
Let's face it: Most of your time spent in your dorm room will be spent sleeping. With that being said, there's also studying to be done,...