What is the childhood classic Disney DVD?
It’s official: the Walt Disney Company is 100 years old this year. This huge milestone allows us to reflect on how Disney has impacted us through their animated films.
Disney is known for presenting themes of true love in their films. However, the live-action Snow White film is set to pursue a more modern approach to love. So,...
Desencantada está vindo aà para mostrar que, talvez, o felizes para sempre não é tão encantado assim.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCU chapter.Who doesn’t love a good Disney Channel classic movie? Gather your favorite sweet treats (great...
In honor of the recent release of Disney+, we’re ranking some of Disney’s best characters—the dogs! These good boys and girls are listed in...
Until Netflix came along, my primary source of entertainment was the stack of Disney VHS tapes in my family living room. I think back to...
I recently took a little adventure to the wonderful world of Disney in Orlando, Florida during my Spring Break. On our first day, we did...
It shouldn't always be about finding Prince Charming.
If you know me, you will know that a big part of my heart is devoted to Disney- the majority of my DVDs here at uni are Disney ones....