Over the course of the past year, we’ve seen the coronavirus pandemic take a toll on our lives and overall change the way we live. Now,...
Physical health is just as important as any other area of health, especially as a woman. Between the ages of 9-13, a young lady begins...
Are you ready to get the vaccine? Being nervous is normal, so check out these 10 experiences from people of all different ages and backgrounds to help ease your...
The Campus Contraceptive Care Clinic is here at no cost to University of Utah students!
There are very few things in my life that I can say made a significant impact on my life, but after the last few months of working as a...
All I can think about during corona-cation, which has turned out to be less of a vacation and more of an unwanted cancelation of all my...
As Claire Dawe-McCord’s 18th birthday came closer, the thoughts of becoming an adult quickly crept into the back of her mind. However, like...
You've got a smartphone anyway, so can't you use it to record your visit to the clinic?
Hello, Collegiettes! I'm here with some super exciting news. If you're anything like me, you probably spend a good deal of time browsing...
You hit the snooze button one more time because you long for those 9 minutes before the alarm goes off again and then you hear it…