Check out these 4 fashion influencers.
Her Campus at PSU
4 Fashion Influencers You Should Be Following
Her Campus at U Mass Amherst
How To Help The Environment Through Fashion Sustainability 101!
Tips on how to be sustainable when it comes to fashion!
Her Campus at JMU
Trend Forecasting: Where Fashion is Headed This Winter
6 ways to be a fashion icon this winter and spring.
Her Campus at Virginia Tech
My Fall Wardrobe Essentials
This article is about my personal clothing essentials for the fall season.
Her Campus at Endicott
Embracing Your Own Style: Tips and Tricks to Finding Your Style
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Endicott chapter.Coming into college, I felt that my outfits were so much harder to choose than...
Her Campus at U Mass Amherst
Make Your Pinterest Board a Reality: 5 Fashion Must-Haves for Winter
It’s understandable that not all of us get excited about freezing temperatures and scraping off our cars, so I’m here to get you a liiittttlllee more excited by suggesting...
Her Campus at SBU
POV; Victoria Secret.. but now we’re older
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.Victoria’s Secret, we know her, we love her …. but do we really? A lot...