"I’m always trying to pick up bits of wisdom everywhere I go."
Campus Celebrity: Drum Major Asa Townsend
Campus Celebrity: Mujtaba Elgoodah
"If everyone in the world could just donate a dollar, we could give so much to the homeless population."
Campus Celebrity: C John Cahill
C John Cahill - you might know him as CJ - is one of the most involved people at CNU; learn more about his experiences on Orientation Staff and...
Campus Celebrity: Colorful Cory Harris
"For every college student, just major in something you love. You don’t realize, you can get better at the thing that you love to do, just by practicing and...
Campus Celebrity: Tyler Hobson
Her Campus CNU sat down with the President of the up-and-coming Flow Club!
Campus Celebrity Debut: Artistic Alicia Lurie
HC CNU’s first campus celebrity is the very talented and delightfully quirky Alicia Lurie.