Throughout a lot of feminist and queer circles and as well in the more academic settings, a central topic that gets brought up and discussed every now and then...
“The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” by Douglas Adams is a comedic novel/radio show/TV show/movie/comic book/video game. In an Earth...
Regardless of the “struggles” we face, one thing we can count on is our student association Come Colegial , who dedicate themselves in providing groceries and other supplies based...
College life can sure be an overwhelming experience for everyone, whether you are a freshman or a fossil, here are some reminders to keep...
"Thanks to the friendly neighborhood bars, our first week was much better than we all expected. In honor of #SemanaDeProntuario , or Syllabus Week, most of the local bars...
1. No one cares that you are a prepa .
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
My soaking, dirty feet will attest to how irritating it is to walk through Area Blanca after a downpour. Not to mention the obstacle course...
Who are Los de la Cueva ? I asked myself that question recently when I saw their ad appear on my Facebook page. Los de la Cueva are a...
1 in 6 men have been victims to sexual violence.