"Verity," the movie adaptation of Colleen Hoover's book has just announced Anne Hathaway as a star in the film. After the controversy surrounding Hoover's last film adaptation, will Hathaway...
It Ends With Us, by Colleen Hoover was an overall catastrophe in every sense of the word. I would categorize it as one of the seven world wonders as...
Unless you live under a rock, you have probably heard of It Ends With Us.
I just walked out of the AMC with tears rolling down my face, my empty popcorn in one hand, and my notes app open in the other to write...
Examining the most popular works that attract female fans and how there is a concern with how the toxicity may affect their reasoning, and whether it is even the...
Check out literary adaptations that are very expected for 2023 and 2024!
At one point we all wanted bad boy Harry Styles to be our boyfriend.
Do you like romance and a little bit of mystery? If so, then this is the book for you. âLaylaâ is one of my favorite books by Colleen Hoover....
O famoso livro do BookTok ganharĂĄ vida nas telas, mas como os fĂŁs da obra receberam essa notĂcia?
It Ends With Us messed a lot of people up, myself included.