Feeling like you don’t measure up at UF? You’re not alone. With so many smart and gorgeous women around, it’s easy to fall into comparison. In this article, we’ll...
I hate journaling so, so, so much. It's honestly so infuriating to see my timeline filled with these amazing pages of magazine cutouts, drawings, fabrics, and creative layouts. Anytime...
Comparison is a feeling that plagues so many college students. Here are some ways to try and avoid falling into the trap.
Our lives are so consumed by the digital world because we have become increasingly and painstakingly dependent on technology. Horrifying.
We’ve heard time and time again that social media is bad for mental health, but that doesn’t mean we need to get rid of it altogether. It has great...
The FOMO is real, but complete your tasks in your own time.
To the high achievers — remember to take care of yourself.
Contemplating the future, I've started to worry about comparing metrics like job titles, income levels, house sizes, and overall worldly successes. There's actually a scientific explanation for our propensity...
With a new "Mean Girls" movie out in theaters, let's take a look back at the mediums that came before and see if Plastic really is forever.
Comparison is a natural instinct, and in some cases can even be necessary. Comparison becomes unhealthy, however, when one depends on using it as a way of measuring their...