The hon’ble Supreme Court in Ram Narayan Popli v. CBI observed that- “white collar crimes are planned, calculated, well- designed and executed and this has led to an alarming...
Natalie gives her crime media recommendations to watch over Christmas break to pass the time.
Lyle and Erik Menendez, two infamous brothers convicted of murdering their parents, may be eligible for parole as new evidence has surfaced in the case.
The internet had gone crazy over the arrest of famous rapper P.Diddy. Get to know the case and what your favorite celebs have to do with it
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.If you are a true crime person like me, sometimes it can be extremely hard...
Read Sabrina Blandon's Author Spotlight featuring Max Marshall whose debut memoir covers a crime ring among fraternity brothers at the College of Charleston