The CULSU’s Annual General meeting held at 6 PM on the 29th of November drew about 150 students – out of 21 000 – to the Oliver Thompson...
The University and Colleges Union (UCU) asked those of its members who work at older universities, such as City, to participate in an...
An accusation about CULSU ’ s media teams broadcasting without licences in the previous academic years surfaced yesterday when Samuel Gould...
Among the student media teams at our university, City OnScreen is on a good roll this year. The TV outlet at City is producing new shows...
City University's Students' Union inaugurates the academic year with a packed Freshers Week, during which all of the CULSU-organised events...
The Students’ Union at City has help available during this dire time known as exam period. Union Support Service advice, stress balls,...
If you haven't been living under a rock for the past months, you should have heard about the newly founded Drama Soc and their first...
The annual Students’ Union Awards Ceremony named student societies, media, sports group and Raising and Giving (RAG) contributors for their...
“The course of true love never did run smoothly,” said Shakespeare. I am pretty sure that after this one line you all have already guessed...
The Baking Society at City University London has a brand new kitchen and members are very thrilled to make the most of it. They are also...