It’s that time of the year again! The temperature is beginning to lower, the leaves are changing, fashion is at its peak, a.k.a the best...
It’s that time of the month when people get to go around covered in blood, smelling like alcohol and scaring little children. And no this...
As Halloween fast approaches, the question of ‘cultural appropriation’ rears its ugly head once again. Halloween is notorious for a variety...
So. Are you planning on dressing up for Halloween this year? Worried about accidentally offending someone with your costume? Everyone knows...
Halloween rolls around every year and without fail, there are articles upon articles of what not to do for Halloween. Yet, people still...
Name: Jihye Lee Major: Biology B.S. Hometown: Lansdale, Pennsylvania Year: Junior Her Campus Ithaca College: How would you define cultural...
When I was in high school, I started listening to the music of prolific artists such as Nas, The Notorious BIG, Jay Z and Tupac. Their...