Are you currently applying for a placement, or possibly some summer work experience? This guide will help you navigate what employers are looking for and how you can develop...
From giving your resume an extra kick to developing transferable skills, how might speaking multiple languages positively impact your career prospects in an ever-globalising world?
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.If you thought trying to find a uni house was stressful, wait until you try...
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Delhi North chapter.As soon as one enters college, there is unsolicited pressure from peers and the...
Illustration by Irina Strelnikova from Shutterstock As the spring and summer months are racing towards us, many of you may already be...
Navigating the whole resume and internship process without any help is no easy feat
COVID-19 and national lockdown have had a huge impact on university students around the world. As well as the most obvious stress...
Now is the time of the year to dig into the summer-job-hunting game. There are plenty of different employers out there looking for a good...
A selection of communication schools with courses that’ll give your career the boost it needs