Judas and the Black Messiah, a historical drama directed by Shaka King, retells the story of Fred Hampton, chairman of the Illinois Black...
This movie was not made for anyone’s comedic enjoyment, nor is it comical in any way. Get Out , is a horror-thriller about a Black man that...
Director Shaka King ’s new film “Judas and the Black Messiah'' exemplifies the grave racial injustice rooted in America’s history.
A couple goes from two ordinary people to a national symbol of heartache when footage of a police officer's death goes viral.
Keep reading to hear an amateur movie critics thoughts on this year’s most talked about film, Black Panther !
Does this mean I'll get an Oscar nomination when I wear my Fenty Beauty?
Because we all remember, #OscarsSoWhite right?
Black Panther was released on Thursday, February 15th. Since the release the movie has grossed $520 million world-wide. My favorite parts...
The first of its kind: a revolutionary cultural thriller with a few unexpected comedic twists.