Three years after the original Netflix show, “Daredevil”, was canceled after only three seasons, Marvel has announced that Matthew Murdock will be gracing our screens in his own show...
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gettysburg chapter.She Hulk: Attorney at Law is one of the newest Marvel Cinematic Universe shows to...
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.Ah, Valentine’s Day. A day of love and chocolates and pink. If you have a...
I recently started watching Netflix’s Daredevil and after finishing the first two seasons, I cannot wait for Daredevil to appear as a part of Phase Four.Â
It's official Netflix has cancelled all its Marvel series!
SPOILER WARNING: spoilers for Jessica Jones, Daredevil and the Punisher. So season 2 of Netflix's The Punisher is finally out. After a...
WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD! Season 3 of Marvel's hit Netflix series, Daredevil, has been long awaited since the dramatic final episode of...
With the second season of Jessica Jones being released on March 8, I thought I would make a guide to help those who have not watched any of...
Cheyenne Brown is a sophomore majoring in biology (pre-vet) at the University of Kansas. But she wasn’t always the studious college scholar...
Check out Kat's video review for Daredevil Season 2. Find out if the second season tops the first: