The tension between pursuing personal passions and meeting societal expectations of success.
Her Campus at MUJ
Are We Chasing Dreams Or Deadline?
Her Campus at Tulane
Five Planners to Get You Organized for 2020
Happy Holidays from HerCampus! With exams right around the corner, I know the last thing you want to do is think about next semester. But...
Her Campus at UVA
10 GIFs That Perfectly Describe Writing on a Deadline
We've all been there: it's the night before an essay is due and you haven't even started. Or, you have an article due for Her Campus due at...
Calling All Aspiring Writers and Artists: The Kudzu Review is Seeking Submissions
Submit your pieces now!
5 Ways To De-Stress At Uni
As deadlines and final projects draw near, stress and panic are pretty much on the daily menu. The thing is, no matter how much stuff you...
Deadline Survival
Deadline season is officially upon us and boy have we felt it already. The library is fully stoked to bursting point, even the quite...