Her Campus at Texas
My Summer 2023 Fashion Predictions (From A Fashion Influencer)
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.I’m calling it now – the following styles will be everywhere this summer. TBH, I...
Her Campus at BU
An Ode to the Struggle of Trying on Jeans
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants is a lie.
5 Wardrobe Essentials for this Weirdly Warm Fall Weather
What to wear when fall feels more like summer.
5 Fair Trade and Eco-Friendly Denim Brands You Should Know About
Blue jeans go green: eco freindly jeans companies you should check out!
7 Easy Fashion Tips to Keep In Mind
Every collegiate gal knows the struggle of waking up early every morning and having to get ready for class. Often times we get the urge to...
Denim : Out With The Old, In With The New
Cropped demin jackets have been ditched in favour of oversized, vintage ones. Choose loose shapes in light washes, then roll the cuffs for...