“On the Trail,” a CNN documentary, captures the lives of multiple women, both CNN reporters and embeds, during the 2020 presidential...
It’s election year again, folks! It seems like the incident of 2016 was yesterday, but thankfully, we have a chance to fix it! Please vote...
Now that the 2020 Democratic primaries are only several months -and even weeks in some states- away, a check-in with the presidential...
It’s like reality TV, only political.
The New York Times released a quiz to assit voters on chossing a Democratic candidate. But is it reliable or is it no more accurate than a Buzzfeed quiz?
If you don’t know who half these people are, that’s ok, because I do and I’ll sum them up. No strings attached baby ;)
As the race for the presidency continues, Sen. Bernie Sanders and Sen. Elizabeth Warren fight for the heart of the far left of the...
Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders lead in the polls while the rest of the DNC candidates scramble to pick up enough points to...
For this article, I interviewed my grandparents, Susan and Ken, on their political views and involvement, ranging from the war in Vietnam...