Have you ever had an argument with a loved one and thought, “Wow, that was productive”? I don’t mean in terms of whether you won or lost,...
In our current political climate, disagreement on core issues is expected and common in the classroom. Students and professors come from...
The other day while walking my dog, I stumbled across my neighbor putting up a Trump sign in her lawn. A spark of annoyance burned in my...
Was I willing to put my own beliefs aside for a new friendship?
Have you ever been in a situation where someone does something that may or may not be intentional, but regardless, it bothers you or makes...
You don't have to give up your core beliefs to respect someone else's
The art of disagreeing with someone in an online discussion.
Photo by Nicole Honeywill on Unsplash It is no secret at Agnes that Main Hall is a bit of a disaster. With it being the oldest building on...
They just want what’s best!