Here is a list of some things that you can do to lift up your mood!
I don’t know if you’ve looked around lately, but the world is a bit of a mess right now. As frightening as 2020 has been so far, some...
Didn't end up sticking to your resolutions in January? February is your chance, here's how to make it happen...
Selfies are good for you #BODYPOSITIVITY Today, I was taking a selfie when my friend walked into the room and said, “why do you always pull...
There is no need to get yourself down if you are single this holiday season.
Put yourself first. Even if it seems "unladylike".
Photo By Jerry Kiesewetter Self-acceptance and self-validation are two major keys to success (not sure if this is confirmed by DJ Khaled)...
"You are not less of a person for taking the time to be by yourself and not do anything “productive” or social for a little bit."