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Her Campus at U Iowa
Everything You Need to Know About Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Take Back The Night 2016
As University of Iowa students, we are so lucky to have a campus with so many amazing events and opportunities! Events at Iowa can be fun,...
Be Involved With Women’s Issues at the University of Iowa
You are a student at the University of Iowa, and you are a feminist. Great! But now what? Find a way to be involved in the feminist...
Healthy Relationships Week
Valentine’s Day is coming up, and we all know that this is the perfect time of year to celebrate love (or your new purse that you gifted to...
Campus Celebrity: Hannah Worrell
Domestic Violence is an ugly reality for many Iowans. In 2010, roughly 24,000 domestic abuse victims were served in Iowa, according to...
#DVAM on Campus
What is domestic violence? Domestic violence is the unexplained bruise on your best friend’s cheek. It is the tear falling down her face...