Amélie A classic of French cinema, Amélie recounts the story of an introverted girl who quietly orchestrates the lives of those around her...
For most of my life, I have been self-conscious about the way the back of my neck looks. I have a slightly hunched back, even when I’m...
“New music, old style,” reads the tagline on the website for Scott Bradlee’s Postmodern Jukebox (PMJ). This “rotating collective of musical...
Ever play the game “how many angels, demons, cats, and bunnies can we spot” on Halloween? These easy costumes have become the go-to for...
At ten years old, I was gifted my first video game: Tomb Raider: Underworld . The game was definitely too challenging for me at that age,...
Work had been piling up on me, so I felt that a cupcake and a café mocha was deserved. I headed to my favorite coffee shop, ordered my food...