One year later, and I can safely say Mary Hollis McGreevy is as relevant as ever because of her reply-all to an All-Emory email (roughly 43...
Mary Hollis McGreevy: THANK YOU??? One Year Later
EDC Choreographers ’14
This week's celeb is a little different--instead of featuring one or two people, we are featuring 9 people. That's right, a whopping 9...
Priyanka Krishnamurthy, Editor-in-Chief of The Emory Wheel
Meet the new Editor-in-Chief of the Emory Wheel, junior Priyanka Krishnamurthy! Every Tuesday and Friday a new copy of the Wheel is...
Paris & Simo, Headliners of Derby Days
Each year, Emory fraternity Sigma Chi's philanthropy week culminates in a huge party, and this year is no different. Meet Paris & Simo...
La-Quan X. Bates, Director of Identities Xposed Fashion Show and Men’s Style Coach
Saying La-Quan is a perfectionist is an understatement. I'm sure you've seen him on campus--he's the one person who actually gets dressed...
Mary Hollis McGreevy, The Girl Who Hit Reply-All
Pretty sure this girl needs no introduction because after Monday everyone, and when I say everyone I literally mean EVERYONE at Emory knew...