Meet Rachiel Kennen, President of Emory's Persuasion! Rachiel is a senior majoring in Business and Sociology with a concentration in...
Rachiel Kennen, President of Persuasion
Sarah Stuckey, President of AHANA Dance!
Meet the president of AHANA Dance, senior Sarah Stuckey! Her Campus Emory (HCE): What is AHANA? Sarah Stuckey (SS): AHANA Dance is the...
Captain of TNT, James La Russa
If you were at Best in Show this year then I'm sure you were enticed by TNT's performance, and it was probably due to this week's campus...
EDC Choreographers ’14
This week's celeb is a little different--instead of featuring one or two people, we are featuring 9 people. That's right, a whopping 9...
AHANA Dance Fall 2012
This past weekend, December 6-8, Emory was delighted by the biannual AHANA Dance Showcase. Her Campus Emory thought it would be a great...
Andre Lumpkin ’13, Ahana Dance President
If you have ever seen Trickanometry (TNT) perform, then you’ve seen Andre Lumpkin in the front with his hype moves and vibrant personality...