In our fast-paced, consumer-driven world, overconsumption has become an issue. Defined as the excessive use of resources and goods, this phenomenon is fueled by a culture that prioritizes instant...
The increase in sporadic rains in Santa Barbara has been confusing and questionable for residents. As it turns out, these rain storms are not always naturally occurring, some are...
With all the time we spend in classrooms, offices, or generally in front of a screen, fresh air and time outside are even more important than ever! How can...
the refugee struggle accelerated climate change destroys lives
For many, Earth Day is a day for community service projects and speeches about the importance of recycling. But a holiday like Earth Day poses a solemn question: Who...
Although humans have been on this planet for thousands of years, it took civilization until 1970 to dedicate a day to celebrating the wonderful place we call home: Earth....
A short list of things to do during the late spring semester in Athens, Ohio.
Every month is Earth month! This semester, students at Augustana College push for green habits with recycling, campus gardens, and energy conservation in partnership with environmental groups across the...
The exponential growth of tourism in the region has led to a huge accumulation of garbage and tourist traffic
My sustainability journey is not like most people's because I started it on accident. From research to implementing change, this is why I care about sustainability.