It has become increasingly common for adults (particularly people who work) to search for delicious food outside, enjoy the meal, and call...
They may be cute but are you really ready?
“You’re so exotic looking.” “I love brown girls.” “You’re hot for an Indian girl.” Thanks? I think? I know the people who said these things...
One of the most exciting parts about college is getting to experience Spring Break with your friends. No school, no homework, and nothing...
We all know AirBnb is an online platform known for its globally unique rental abodes, but not as unique as a quirky house shaped like a dog...
If you ever want your Fun Fact about Yourself to be: “I’ve danced in the same place as a Bornean orangutan,” this Friday is your chance to...
With style like this, we have no idea why this lovely lady wished to remain anonymous. We absolutely love the vibrant pattern of this dress...