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Articles Tagged With: explanation
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Her Campus at Scranton Manifesting

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.Manifesting is a weird idea to me at times. As someone who is logical, I...

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Her Campus at UCSB The Vitamin Breakdown

We’re told that vitamin intake is an important part of maintaining our health. But when there’s a vitamin for every letter in the alphabet...

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Her Campus at Brown Coronavirus Explained

You’ve seen the memes, and maybe even some headlines, but you don’t really know what the deal is with this new Coronavirus that you keep...

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The Girl’s Guide to Football

Alright ladies, so we all know how awkward it is when you’re sitting with your boyfriend or guy best buds watching football and you have NO...

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Trump’s Tax Reform

What are your first thoughts when you hear the words “tax reform?” I know for most people, there’s complete confusion and hesitation. Taxes...

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LGBTQA+ Vocab Part 1: Gender

I consider myself to be pretty up to date with terms associated to the ever so extensive topic of gender and sexuality. With all of the...